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Jason(Junxing) casting Co., Ltd., has be awarded during eight consecutive years (2007-2015) for its great economic contribution  for Taigu county, Shanxi province. Jason(Junxing) casting Co., Ltd. is a member of  China Foundry Association(CFA). Jason(Junxing) casting Co., Ltd. is chairman enterprise of Taigu County casting association member units. We not only put great effort on developing our communitys economic activities, but also put a lot of resources to support local education program. From the beginning to the end, we hope our mission could come true, which is to achieve mutually benefit between our customer, shareholders and community to get better.


  • honor
    Education Support Award
  • honor
    County Economic Distribution Award
  • honor
    Enterprise and University Cooperation Award
  • honor
    Chairman Enterprise Award
  • honor
    Award 2011
addAddress:Xd M-I industrial park
faxFax:86 354 6322969
telTel:86 354 6322148
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